Narrative Still-life paintings and watercolors that test our perceptions of reality and illusion.
Autobiographical paintings rendered in the trompe l'oeil style bring into a clear focus natural detail that is all too often only vaguely sensed. Each universe created on canvas or paper is a juxtapositon of traditional Renaissance coloring against modern almost scientific rendering.
His work has been shown in regional, national and international juried exhibitions, as well as in one-person exhibitions in museums across the nation. More information can be found at
Contacts: [email protected] Phone: (815) 762-5243
Autobiographical paintings rendered in the trompe l'oeil style bring into a clear focus natural detail that is all too often only vaguely sensed. Each universe created on canvas or paper is a juxtapositon of traditional Renaissance coloring against modern almost scientific rendering.
His work has been shown in regional, national and international juried exhibitions, as well as in one-person exhibitions in museums across the nation. More information can be found at
Contacts: [email protected] Phone: (815) 762-5243